You can use this track in your videos for commercial or non profit purposes !
All you need to do is, give credit to the original artist !
Copy paste the following to your video description !
Transient [Retro/Synthwave] by Ghostrifter Official
Music provided by
You can use this track in your videos for commercial or non-profit purposes, all you need to do is give credit to the artist by copy-pasting the following to your video description.
Lately I’ve been craving something to shake me
Something to make me go insane
Take me in a starship to the stars
Soaring on high, the music will be ours
But when I try to fight
I just can’t get it right
Lately you’ve been making something to break me
Something to wake me into the night
But when I try to fight
I just can’t get it right
But I’m still alive
I’m still alive
And I will not die
But when I try to fight
I still can’t get it right
But I’m still alive
I’m still alive
And I will not die.
You can use this track in your videos for commercial or non profit purposes !
All you need to do is, give credit to the original artist !
Copy paste the following to your video description !
You can use this track in your videos for commercial or non profit purposes !
All you need to do is, give credit to the original artist !
Copy paste the following to your video description !
You can use this track in your videos for commercial or non profit purposes !
All you need to do is, give credit to the original artist !
Copy paste the following to your video description !
You can use this track in your videos for commercial or non profit purposes !
All you need to do is, give credit to the original artist !
Copy paste the following to your video description !
You can use this track in your videos for commercial or non profit purposes !
All you need to do is, give credit to the original artist !
Copy paste the following to your video description !
You can use this track in your videos for commercial or non profit purposes !
All you need to do is, give credit to the original artist !
Copy paste the following to your video description !